If you are an emergency responder you have probably already had first person on the scene first aid training, also sometimes referred to as FPOS first aid training. However, if you are simply thinking about being an emergency responder, this might be something new that you’ll want to look into.

Knowing basic first aid is a definite plus, but it is not enough to cover all of the circumstances that you might find when you arrive on the scene. For this reason you should consider enrolling in a class that specializes in certifying people on FPOS first aid training. Not only will this help advance your options, but it will also help you feel more confident when you approach a scene.

Learn Confidence And Instant Diagnostic Techniques

You should consider FPOS training due to the fact that you will be responsible for assessing the situation and making medical treatment decisions. As the first person on the scene you have only a few seconds to decide what is wrong and what you can do about it.

Any First Aid course will cover CPR and Heimlich, but a basic course usually won’t discuss how to diagnose a person in thirty seconds or less for a variety of situations. The good news is that you will learn the series of steps in FPOS training that will leave you fully equipped to do so. This alone is a very good reason to enroll in the training.

Advance Your Career With Certifications

Second, you should think about FPOS training because it will help advance your career if you are in a medical training program or emergency training program. Whether you are thinking about becoming a police officer, nurse, doctor, paramedic, or firefighter this training is essential.

Learning to think like a trauma surgeon or doctor will help you diagnose and treat patients quickly so that they can be transported to a medical facility for further examination. They cannot be moved until they are stabilised and you can help get them stabilised with prompt treatment. This extra certification will help you get hired into many departments as well.

Easy To Find FPOS Courses

Finally, training centres for first person on the scene first aid training are now available almost everywhere. There are many great local resources you can take advantage of if you’re interested. The Red Cross offers training courses in thousands of locations around the country, or you can contact your local hospital; most hospitals also offer First Aid and/or FPOS courses.

If timing is an issue, you can now find a lot of training courses available online that still offer you full certification. This has made it easier than ever to get certified since you can complete the course in your own free time. Therefore, if you have ever thought about helping to move your career along this might be the time to consider looking for a FPOS first aid training course.