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So far admin has created 43 blog entries.

Spotting Meningitis in babies and young children

Babies and Meningitis — the Symptoms Meningitis is the term used for an inflammation of the membrane that covers the spinal cord and the brain, known as the meninges. There are a number of different kinds of meningitis, which are almost all extremely serious and can develop at a very rapid rate. The most common [...]

Spotting Meningitis in babies and young children2020-07-22T19:49:46+00:00

Business Health and Safety issues

10 important business health and safety issues to consider When running a business, it is very important that you pay attention to all health and safety issues that may present themselves in the workplace. As an employer, you are responsible for keeping your employees safe and for making sure that risks to their health are [...]

Business Health and Safety issues2020-07-22T19:49:46+00:00

Treating back pain

Treating back pain in a Patient Treating back pain is one of the most difficult treatments as there are numerous reasons why a person may seek help for a sore back, but as a first aid provider it is your job to assess the situation, and offer proper treatment options. Firstly if a person has [...]

Treating back pain2020-07-22T19:49:46+00:00
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